First goal of the league under investigation

Tuesday, October 12

The silent mode of futsal masat broke up after rempo alkhain from PrO-Goal score the very first, stunning goal. With the assist from Mathen, he scored an own goal, letting PrO-Goal one goal behind. Futsal Masat officer, Elmo ordered a special organization to investigate the situation whether it is some kind of bribery, lost of motivation, team pressure or drug addiction. When asked by the reporter, Rempo Alkhain denied to answer and challenged the officer to investigate him. Under the law and regulation of FIFA Masat, if he was caught red-handed, he can be fined CAD 1000 or jailed 2 days or both.

Rempo Alkhain, together with Busuk FC coach and his wife three days before match


  1. fa2din said...:

    Hahahaha.. Rempo's in big trouble now.. He could be sacked by his own team if found guilty..

  1. c|pan^_^ said...:

    baik aku jual aiman dr sack rempo... free goal kot.. hahaha =p

  1. Unknown said...:

    team kitorg tgh scout fathuddin ni. maybe akan berlaku pertukarang dlm mse terdekat

  1. Asyraf said...:

    HAHAHA.sial.papehal rempo legend

  1. Unknown said...:

    FUMAS legend: rempo alkhain

  1. fuzzree said...:

    rempo: no comment .

  1. fa2din said...:

    no comment lagi.. mmg speculation nih.. hehhh..

  1. Unknown said...:

    fathuddin legend gak.

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